RedCity Roar is committed to creating a safe and welcoming environment for all members to enjoy the game.
To ensure that our culture remains strong, the club has put in place a system to deal with any breaches that threaten our values.
This system follows Basketball Queensland’s Code of Behavior guidelines and includes a tribunal, led by experienced community leaders, to hear any complaints and take appropriate action and has adopted the model tribunal by-laws recommended by Basketball Australia.
RedCity Roar officials, referees, court controllers, referee supervisors or score bench officials have access to a Jotform to send a Judicial Report to deal with behaviors they believe breaches the Code of Conduct and/or offences laid out in the tribunal-bylaws. Once an official fills out the form it is automatically sent to the Tribunal Chair who will then decide whether the matter will be dealt with by:
Education or intervention - Support given to the reported member, member may receive support by a third party provider Authentic Steps
Administrative Tribunal - A penalty determined by the Tribunal Administration (does not require a hearing), member has a right to appeal and have a hearing. To exercise the right of appeal, the appellent should contact the "Appeals Officer" gm@redcityroar.com.au
Tribunal Hearing - the case is heard by an independent panel, both member and Association has a right of appeal through Basketball Queensland (cost involved for appeal)
The use of Jotform keeps a record of incidents and is used to create reports to management which is useful in spotting trends and identifying problems. Both Steve Ackroyd and Brendan Jorgensen have a unique set of professional skills and training gained through their experience in the Police force.
RedCity Roar is determined to create an environment that allows all members to play the game in a safe and welcoming atmosphere.
RedCity Roar has established a set of values within our strategic plan to guide us in our decision making.
General members can also make a report of an incident that they feel are in breach of RedCity Roar values. They can do this by filling in member incident report form. This is a different to the "tribunal report form" but can be dealt with in the same way if the incident is deemed to be significant. The "member incident report" form can be used by members to alert management to any risk or to lodge a complaint.
Please be aware of the following offences and maximum penalties:
Disputing the decision(s) of a referee – 6 weeks suspension
Unsportsmanlike behavior – 6 weeks suspension
Breach of Code of Conduct – 6 weeks suspension
Attempting to trip – 10 to 20 weeks suspension
Tripping – 10 to 52 weeks suspension
Obscene gestures – 10 to 20 weeks suspension
Offensive language (which may include abusive, obscene or insulting language) – 10 to 20 weeks suspension
Attempting to strike – 10 to 52 weeks suspension
Striking (fist, hand, object, head) – 52 weeks to life-time suspension
Attempting to elbow – 10 to 52 weeks
Elbowing – 20 weeks to life-time suspension
Fighting – 20 weeks suspension
Attempting to kick – 10 to 52 weeks suspension
Kicking – 20 weeks to life-time suspension
Spitting – 20 to 52 weeks suspension
Moving under an airborne player (tunneling) – 104 weeks suspension
Putting a person in fear of impending violence – 52 to 104 weeks suspension
Coaching, refereeing, playing scorebench duties while under suspension – Extra 2 to 5 weeks per game plus original suspension
Deliberately endangering the safety, healtrh, of players, spectators, officials (incidents involving blood/body fluids) – life-time suspension
Conduct which brings the game of Basketball into disrepute – 19 weeks suspension
Failure to attend a Tribunal without proper cause when notified – 20 weeks suspension
Failure to cooperate in or hindering an investigation or hearing under these by-laws – 20 weeks suspension
Intimidating or bullying a person or attempting to do so – 52 weeks suspension
Public criticism of officials, coaches or player related to basketball activities – 20 weeks suspension.